I don't know how ever to repay you,You brought me light,
when i was in the darkest tonal, thank you baby and i will never forget you.
Does not the broken heart seek to be mended? Don't we all need love to survive the harshest pain that life inflicts upon us? Who are we to prolong the suffering of others?
Why do we look for the differences in one another instead of the similarities, does it make a difference if our skin is of different color or we are not of the same people?
And why of all things do we look at others and see what we think we could never be? Why not believe we all have purpose for being who we are?
Our hearts beat as one as our breath caresses the open air, we are all living breathing, beautiful people. We all may be different in one way, but truth be told, we are also the same in many a way and at many a time as well.
I dare anyone to tell me that inflicting pain and having it inflicted are exactly the same thing. Depending on the situation, inflicting pain is often and act of either anger, rage, jealousy, memories of long term pain, yet even more sickeningly; pleasure and one's own amusement. Then when it happens to you, you sometimes realize the wrong and sometimes you think you don't deserve it.
Think on this... from an abused child's view: how can you look into an innocent child's eyes and have the intention of breaking them down so they feel more afraid, helpless, worthless, and broken down than before? Does it make you feel better, does it make you feel bigger and stronger when you throw that first blow? Does that first scream of terror and pain not make you flinch but smile and want more? What have you or any of us to gain from such cruelties as this?
Life is a glorious gift and we take advantage of it so much so that we have begun to destroy it for not only ourselves, but every other living being, creature and life form on this planet. Should we feel proud and honored at the havoc we have wrought upon this once sacred and protected land?
At some points in this life I feel ashamed to call myself human, ashamed to see how we as the human race have combined our thoughts only to come up with not simplicity and beauty, but brutality and stupidity.
I take this quote from the song "Animal I Have Become" by 3 Days Grace, read it and read again so as to find it's true meaning. "So what if you can see the darkest side of me? No one would ever change this animal I have become, help me believe it's not the real me, somebody help me tame this animal."
What does it say to you? To me it speaks of corruption, we have been corrupted by power and pain that we have lost sight of what we once had, we are no longer of sound mind and body. We have become closed-minded, so the darkness inside our thoughts cannot be set free. So we think that our money brings happiness? How happy are you when the beast inside destroys all you love only for the sake of your own selfishness and greed?
Thus ends our reign as the perfect race, for with each passing day we are killing each other by any means possible, necessary or not. Why were we put here and what is our purpose for living if we only seek to destroy and bring Death upon ravens' wings?
"We all feed on tragedy. It's like blood to a vampire" explains what I mean. Tragedy thrills us to the bone, we love it, we live it and we feed on it. As would a vampire on blood. But look at what we have done.Where we see courage, we only demonstrate a cowards cruelty. If this is what humanity wishes, then so it shall be. My only regret is that our newborn children will never know peace and fairness, but pain, lies, and deceit. Welcome to the future, a living, more destructive, mechanically enhanced version of the past.
Welcome to all, the gates of Heaven are open to you, but you have all chosen to walk with Satan through the ever blazing, ferocious inferno that is Hell. I hope you enjoy the life that you have chosen. Watch your body, heart and mind be engulfed in the flame, but now your soul is enchained by a twisted fate, for it rides with Death upon ravens’ wings.
One must have believed in miracles to have created religion, but I ask with all sincerity to those of religious nature; Where is your God now? Where is he when you scream out in pain, when the world you once knew has come crashing down right in front of you? Where is he as you hold your child and watch them die, and where is your "God" when cruelty derived from racism breaks apart the beauty that once held your fragile life together? I beg of you, I beseech you to open your eyes and see what life has brought before you. In the end we will all know the same pain, we will all know what it’s like. Welcome to the future, our newly enhanced, more unpleasant version of the past.
Welcome to the beginning of the end my friends. Unless we, the new generation can do something, can correct the mistakes of the past generations, maybe, one day can we will once again live free.
Man You did Great...
m Speachlesss
Marvilous...... Keeep Going and doing Bravo......
Nice work..
makes you wanna ponder upon the real objective of our existence!
Nice :)
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